Tax Season Communications

In an effort to customize and control client communications, we have added these online personalized tools.  The tools will allow us to improve collaboration with each client. We have provided new options to securely share files and protect client and business information.

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My1040Data Tool-Online Tax Organizer

If you like the convenience of using an on-line, personalized tax check-list, you are welcome to use the on-line My1040Data Toolkit.  This is not mandatory but allows you to conveniently use a computer to update your personal data, check for relevant information that may be applicable to your situation, and, if you used our tax services last year, review your prior-year information to ensure you have accounted for all your tax information.  

To access your My1040Data tax organizer, please follow these simple steps:

  • Contact me and I will provide your personalized User ID and Password.

From here, you will be required to change your password; then guided through a simple interview process that will assist you in gathering the data we will require to prepare your tax returns. 

NOTE: For the security of your tax information, My1040Data automatically requires you to log in again after 20 minutes of inactivity.  This is a secure site where your data is encrypted for protection. Your data is automatically saved every time you move to another page. The information you provide will be treated as confidential.  You can navigate using the tabs at the top or along the left side to jump to the area you need. 

Citrix Sharefile Client Portal

The client portal allows you to receive and share files with us from any web browser or operating system.

  • Log-in using the same User ID and Password you used in the past.  If you do not have these details, please click on Forgot password? If you still cannot log-in or you are a new client, please contact me

  • Upload your tax documents to: Documents/ 20XX Tax.

  • Include any other additional information, such as spreadsheets for business or rental properties, non-US compensation or investment income, QuickBooks (a .QBW or .QBB file), etc.   Please be assured that we will contact you if any information seems to be missing to ensure total tax compliance and savings. .

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